East Coast Sailing Association
powered by TidyHQJoin us at our next monthly meeting! We will meet Wednesday, December 8, 2021, at 7:00 p.m. at Satellite Beach City Hall, 565 Cassia Blvd., Satellite Beach, Florida.
The club will be holding its annual Potluck Dinner at the December meeting after we conduct club business. Please bring a dish to share and adult beverages are permitted. The club will provide soft drinks, water and ice. And now that the club is starting to get back into its old routines, it’s also time to remind our members to Reuse and Re-cycle! Please bring your own reusable plates, silverware, cups, and napkins to the dinner. The Blue Recycle Bucket will also be there for you to recycle your empty cans, plastic, and glass bottles. Please rinse out your soft drinks cans before placing them in the bucket. Clean cardboard, paper and plastic bags can also go into the bucket. As COVID is still out there, please be mindful of others.
Clyde Berry
CB |
Clyde & Diane Berry
Previous Commodore | CDB |
Raymond and Diana Cox
RAD | |
Ralph Crawford
RC | |
Eileen Kiesel
EK | |
Eric Lindboe
EL | |
Dan Nicholson
DN | |
Don & Joanne Theriault
Sharon Tolson
ST |