East Coast Sailing Association
powered by TidyHQCome out to the ECSA General Meeting on Wednesday, November 14th at 7:00 p.m.
Our guest speakers will be Sherry and Dave McCampbell, who are on their 11th year of cruising slowly around the world. They will share some of their adventures sailing and diving around the beautiful Philippines, on November 14th at the Satellite Beach Civic Center.
Bathroom construction is now complete, and they did a great job! So we are back to entering via the main door. The meeting will be preceded by our Happy-Half-Hour, starting at 6:30 p.m. -- BYOB and get happy !
Tom & Genevieve Boles
TGB | |
Joe Cloidt
Commodore, Membership , Hello, NewsLetter | JC |
Joe & Karen Coleman
JKC | |
Tom & Jenny Eskridge
TJE | |
Larry Lokken
LL | |
Tom & Mary Ann O'Shea
Storekeeper | TMA |
Francine Polidori
FP | |
Ken Spear
KS | |
Don & Joanne Theriault
DJT | |
Robert and Judith Wiley
Ingrid Bradley
IB | |
John & Lynda Geraci
JLG | |
Lynda Geraci
LG |