East Coast Sailing Association
powered by TidyHQSorry, there was an error in the FT&C about the meeting date -- Join us at our next monthly meeting, Wednesday, May ***8*** at 7:00 p.m. We will have our business meeting, followed by refreshments, then our guest speaker. Our topic this month -- appropriate as summer approaches -- is "Lightning Safety", presented by Bill Roeder of the 45th Weather Squadron at Cape Canaveral Air Force Station.
Carol & Ken Bettam
CKB | |
John Boyd
Web Master | JB |
Ralph Crawford
RC | |
Chizuko Ishihara
Marketing/Promotions Officer | CI |
David & Sara Smith
DSS | |
Don & Joanne Theriault
DJT | |
Robert and Judith Wiley
Clyde & Diane Berry
Previous Commodore | CDB |
Tom & Genevieve Boles
TGB | |
William & Alyce Greer
WAG | |
David & Nancy Keane
DNK | |
Paul & Sue Tzareff