East Coast Sailing Association
powered by TidyHQJoin us for our November, 2023, meeting. We will meet Wednesday, November 8, 2023, at 7:00 p.m. at Satellite Beach City Hall, 565 Cassia Blvd., Satellite Beach, Florida. We will begin with club business, then talk about past and future cruises, followed by our guest speaker. This month’s presentation will be by Winnie Crawford, who will show a slide presentation on the SS Edmund Fitzgerald. The tragedy was immortalized by the famous Gordon Lightfoot song.
Clyde & Diane Berry
Previous Commodore | CDB |
Gary Chidester
GC | |
Nancy Coleman
NC | |
Ralph Crawford
RC | |
Chizuko Ishihara
Marketing/Promotions Officer | CI |
Stephen Lambert
Secretary | SL |
Eric Lindboe
EL | |
Dan Nicholson
DN | |
Tom & Mary Ann O'Shea
Storekeeper | TMA |
Bentley Radcliff
BR | |
Don & Joanne Theriault
DJT | |
Robert Wiley
RW |
Lynda Geraci
LG | |
Paul & Sue Tzareff